Resources for Laudato Si’
Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’: On the care for our common home” is inspiring people around the world to reflect on our relationships with God, nature and each other. We’ve created this page to draw together some resources to help people engage with the encyclical – do send us any we’ve missed!
- Full text of the encyclical in html and pdf
- Summaries and introductions:
- Official Vatican Overview of Laudato Si’
- Q and A, Powerpoint, and ways Laudato si inspires from CAFOD
- “Top 10 things you need to know” video by Jesuit priest James Martin
- Some notable responses
- Global Catholic Climate Movement statement
- Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Chair of the Anglican Communion Environment Network
- Yeb M Saño, “Laudato Si: What it means for the Philippines”
- Andrew Steer (head of World Resources Institute)
- Nicholas Stern (author of the Stern Report) in The Tablet
- Catholic Relief Services’ president, Carolyn Woo (one of the panelists at the encyclical’s presentation)
- Prayer Responses
- Link to Pope Francis’ two prayers from the encyclical
- Canticle of the Creatures Powerpoint
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Perry. For details of the window, go to the Canticle of the Creatures powerpoint.