April 2023 Prayer Points

We celebrate Christ’s resurrection – and the promise it offers for us and for all creation. As creation continues to groan in anticipation of redemption, we note the urgency for action, pray for those affected by climate impacts, ask God to inspire governments and people with the will to act, and give thanks for those areas where we see progress.

Download the April Prayer Points.

March 2023 Prayer Points

Some questions for Lent – and a look at what it means to reduce emissions in a way that is just. These are items for prayer, as are the floods that have affected so many parts of the world. There’s inspiration, too, from Ghana, the Anglican Communion, and relating to the rise of renewables. Join us in prayer!

Download the March 2023 Prayer Points.

February 2023 Prayer Points

Lent is approaching, and we consider how we can use the time to listen to creation and discern God’s call to us. February also brings the 1st anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and we pray for a just peace, and for a resolution to the many issues the war has caused. We celebrate Fairtrade, with its call to climate justice, lament the heating of the oceans, and rejoice in the potential for positive change. Join in prayer!

Download the February 2023 Prayer Points

December 2022 Prayer Points

As Advent begins, we look back at the outcomes of the recent UN climate talks – and forward to the biodiversity talks in Montreal. Conscious of climate impacts affecting brothers and sisters around the world, we pray for increased action and ambition.

Download the December Prayer Points

November 2022 Prayer Points

As preparations continue for this month’s UN Climate Talks in Sharm El Sheikh, UN institutions have released key reports that show the perilous state of the planet – but also offer a way forward. We pray that these will have an impact – and pray God’s guidance for all who will be gathering to negotiate and to press for climate action. Promises made in conferences only have value if backed by firm policies at home – and we pray especially for the Brazilian, UK and US governments, all at key points in their climate journeys. We pray fervently for relief for all affected by climate-amplified disasters: may their needs and concerns be at the heart of all thinking around how we respond to the climate crisis. And we give thanks for all the saints who inspire us to faithful creation care.

Download the November Prayer Points

October 2022 Prayer Points

We are seeing clearly the signs of the climate crisis – deadly storms and equally deadly droughts affecting brothers and sisters around the world. We pray for them, and also for those affected by – and those working to respond to – the current energy crisis. Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ reminds us of the Church’s potential to work for justice and mercy, and we pray for God’s grace to strengthen us in this. We give thanks for those in the churches who are calling for climate justice, and for the signs of hope that we see in actions by governments. And we end with inspiring words from activist Elizabeth Wathuti.

Download the October Prayer Points

September 2022 Prayer Points

As the Season of Creation begins, we pray that we may ‘listen to the voice of creation’ and act to preserve and restore God’s precious gift. We lament growing wildfires, the excessive heat that has gripped much of the northern hemisphere, and the floods in Pakistan: we pray for all affected and for climate action in response to these clear signals of planetary distress. We join with a global movement to pray for action on loss and damage – and ask that God will grant strength and wisdom to the new head of the UNFCCC as he prepares to steer discussion on this and other issues.

Download the September 2022 prayer points

August 2022 Prayer Points

Pope Francis releases a message for this year’s Season of Creation, and Archbishop Justin Welby issues a call to action at the Lambeth Conference. Countries around the northern hemisphere are experiencing extreme heat; the UK and EU are at a crossroads; there’s potential progress in the US; and theologian Hannah Malcolm reflects – what does it mean to have praise and thanksgiving as ‘our duty and our joy’?

Download the August 2022 Prayer Points

July 2022 Prayer Points

As we see climate impacts in the form of heat, drought and floods, we are moved to pray for all affected, and to pray, fast and work for increased climate action. There is some progress to celebrate – but also the danger of backwards motion as countries respond to current crises. We pray for the leadership of the UNFCCC and for people seeking climate action in the US as they respond to a recent Supreme Court ruling. And we celebrate local beacons of hope – and call out to the God of all hope.

Download the prayer points for July 2022 here.

June 2022 Prayer Points

Pentecost and Environment Sunday coincide – how can we pray for God to guide us, as God guided the first apostles? The Australian elections bring signs of hope – but a new report and information about potential ‘carbon bomb’ fossil fuel projects remind us how urgent the need for change is. Fortunately, people within the fossil fuel industries are beginning to speak out – and organisations and businesses around the world are taking action.

Join in our prayers by downloading and using the June Prayer Points.